If you’ve met Mike Brawan, you’ve met someone who can tell you stories that seem unbelievable. On our drive from Kenya to Tanzania, he told us countless stories that were mind-blowing of how God had done miracles and provided above and beyond what we could think or imagine. 

Listening to story after story, I mentioned, “Wow! You really know how to think outside the box.” 

Mike replied, “What box? There is no box.” 

That’s when I realized how small my thinking was. 

When he told us how many women he had rescued from the streets and helped to start small businesses, he invited us to see it first hand. That night around 10 pm, we went out to the streets by our hotel and invited women to join us for a free meal. Six accepted our invitation and came. We shared the love of Jesus and paid them a night’s wages. One of them had prayed that morning for God to send help because she had been abused by the previous night’s client and felt that her pregnancy of 5 months was in danger. We helped her see a doctor (baby was fine) and get off the street permanently by giving her enough money to start up a charcoal business. It’s humbling when you realize you are someone’s answer to a desperate, heartfelt cry. 

Somehow we had always thought rescue was hard, but Mike showed us how easy it is. What’s even easier is thinking up reasons that are more like excuses to not get out of our easy chairs and demonstrate the Gospel with love and compassion. Once Mike started us on this path, there was no turning back. We have trained women for business in Uganda and Nepal as our box has been broken by a visionary like Mike. 



Nicole Brooke

Nicole Brooke is a freelance graphic design consultant offering simple, functional, & beautiful design solutions to help get your business noticed! Our 1:1 design consulting, website design, and graphic design will help get your business looking amazing!

